Adarsh's Guide to Cybersecurity, AI and CAREER Advancement

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The Art of Fighting Back Against Phishing Attacks

If you’re like most people, you probably think you’re immune to phishing attacks.

But did you know that 90% of successful cyber attacks start with a phishing email? That’s right, the bad guys are getting better and more cunning every day, and you need to be aware of the latest tactics they use to steal your personal information and sensitive data. In this eye-opening video, we’ll reveal the top 3 things you can do to avoid becoming a victim of phishing attacks.

We’ll arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to recognize and avoid phishing emails, fake websites, and other tactics that cybercriminals use to trick you into giving away your information. But don’t just take our word for it. The numbers speak for themselves. In 2021, phishing attacks cost businesses over $50 billion worldwide. And with 1 in 3 people falling for phishing emails, the threat is real and growing.

So, if you value your personal information and want to protect yourself from cybercriminals, don’t miss this video. It could be the difference between becoming a victim of a costly attack or staying one step ahead of the bad guys.

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Engineering Leader with over 20+ years of experience at Cisco, NetApp/ Cybersecurity/ Artificial Intelligence/ Mentor/ Cybersecurity and AI Consultant

I share my unique insights and learnings on the latest trends and topics in technology, mostly around Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity and Ransomware, based on my vast professional experience. This is your go-to source for upskilling.

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